Red Hill Special School is a State School which prides itself on the provision of a safe and supportive environment for all members of its learning community. A large number of administrative, professional, support and ancillary staff collaboratively plan for and provide the environment necessary for maximising learning outcomes for our students. Our diverse school staff are highly skilled and supported with opportunities to continually enhance their work in line with current best practice. Resources are targeted to individual classroom programs which are planned to support the learning needs of each student.
A majority of school staff at Red Hill
Special School has current first aid qualifications including CPR and
anaphylaxis training. Should a student require further medical assessment/intervention
whilst at school, we will contact the emergency nominated contact person on the
student’s enrolment form and/or where required, an ambulance will be called and
the student escorted with a staff member to the nearest hospital.
The health and well being of our whole school community is paramount to maintaining a positive learning environment. It
is our belief that students should attend school when they are well and able to
fully participate in their education programs. When a child is not well enough
to participate in their programs at school, they should remain absent from
school to promote their recovery and prevent cross infection with other
children. If a student is at school and appears unwell and unable to participate
in their programs, we will make contact with parents to arrange collection of
their child from school.
Queensland Department of Education and
Training policy recommends that unwell students remain absent and that medical
advice be followed regarding time periods for doing so. Queensland Health has
exclusion periods to be followed in regards to contagious diseases. For more
information go to: Infection Control and Management of Prescribed Contagious
Conditions at: