amount of Community Based Instruction (CBI) your child or young person will undertake
within school programs is determined by their age and their educational needs.
Community based instruction is limited for students in the Early Years and
Middle School as programming emphasises the need for skills to be developed in
the school setting before they are generalised to settings outside of the
school context. Whereas, students in the Senior School may have their
instruction delivered within community settings for a large proportion of the
school week in order to support their ability to transition successfully to a
post-school life.
the school year students will have the opportunity to engage in special programs
outside the school environment regardless of their year level. The benefits to
students include the opportunity to increase appropriate social and community
behaviours, opportunities to develop specific skills critical to independent
functioning within the community, communication and a general increase of
independence in community mobility. Students
will travel to these settings on the school bus or on public transport.