Please note that school staff is not permitted to administer any medication, including over-the-counter medications, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, naturopathic, herbal and homeopathic preparations and pharmacist-only medicines at school, unless one of the following forms (available on the RHSS website), are completed and submitted to the school:
Administration of medication at school record sheet (routine/short-term medication)
- This form, which is completed by the parent/carer, is the one that is used on a daily basis to administer medications. It is for use with prescribed medications administered on a routine or daily/regular basis, or for short-term medications.
For example, this form will be used for anti-convulsive medication given every day at lunchtime, a short dose of anti-biotics or any medication where there is a set time to administer the dosage.
Administration of medication at school record sheet (emergency medication) - This form, which is completed by the parent/carer, is for medications such as Midazolam, Adrenaline auto-injectors (Epipen) or Ventolin that have been prescribed to the student and used to respond to a medical emergency.This form is used in conjunction with the student’s Emergency Health Plan, Asthma or Anaphylaxis Plan, Doctor’s orders (e.g.Midazolam Order).
3. Administration of medication on school camp (routine/short term) - This form is designed to record the administration of a medication to a student during a school camp. It is the responsibility of the parent to complete the highlighted sections of this form and return it to school prior to the camp. This form is NOT for recording the administration of emergency medication. The administration of emergency medication record sheet (form 2 above), is for this purpose. Please note that a Webster Pack must be provided for all tablets requiring administration for the duration of the camp.
Prior to administering any medication at school Red Hill Special School staff will confirm that:
The parent/carer has completed all sections of the relevant form and provided in-date medication in the original pharmacy labelled container
The medication container has a valid pharmacy label which includes the name of the prescribing health practitioner to confirm that it is prescription medication
The student has received a dose at home without ill effect prior to the school administering the medication
The pharmacy label instructions match the relevant section of the form
School staff is bound by these regulations. We request that parents support us adhere to these requirements in order to support the health needs of your child. For more Information on the policy for the Administration of Medication in Schools please see: